they may not be the most expansive breed of dogs, but they are my most beloved dogs.

this is some of the family member that i have or use to have...they all are the best dogs my family have.

i should took the picture with you when i got the change, now it's too late

One of my dog pass away yesterday late afternoon, it's name 'pang pang' mean chubby in Chinese. he is the eldest among all of the dog, he been with the family for nine years, loyal and alway been a good leader, one of my most favorite dog, although i use to hit him, i only hit it so he will not do the same mistake hurt a lot in me when i have no choice but to hit it....pang pang, you will alway in my heart and may finally you can really rest in peace. i love you.

buzzy buzzy buzzy..

ok, it's been like two month i did not touch this blog,i'm been very buzzy with work and other things{lame excuse}....ok i'm lazy to write haha >.<...ok ok sorry blog, i will try my best to do more in the future, so for the few month, i been working and i finally get my holga 135bc lomo camera wuhooo.....cheers for that, it's like been ages I planed to buy a lomo...but,you's like, oh...i want it, and then nah, i don't think i gonna use it's like want it, don't want it, want it blah blah blah...and finally my elder brother got the holga for me when he and the rest of the family member went to Taiwan, can you believe it they went to Taiwan without sad,I i just started working so it's like well it's not a good impression to my boss if i just take a long leave like that, so ya, I'm gonna write it { the holga} in my next ya beside the camera thing going on , i been enjoying my life as a working slave, pay is low work load is ton. other then that i make so new friends and enjoying the new friendship very much...blah blah blah, enough with what about my relationship...?hmmm, it's been ok I guess although there's so bum small bum, but it's was noting, who don't have right? I take care of that and move on. hmmm...well, the weather seem to be raining most of the time, guess it's the raining season, I don't really have anything in mind right now that I would like to it.


记得在台湾的日子时,有台风袭击。 学校停课,外面的风大的可以把我房间撤走。活了这么多年第一次感受到台风是什么东西, 他妈的有够强劲的咯。 你只要在室内,你都可以听到那呼呼的风声吹。可是老实说那个气候真的最适合睡觉的了,暗暗的,冷冷的。。。真是最好不过了。当天因为台风食堂就没有开,只好怎样?吃泡面咯,其实阿台湾的泡面还真的非常好吃的。嗯。。。不过今天是聊白酒烧鸡,泡面改天再聊。嗯,就在我享受我泡面的当时。。我的一个舍友就提议不如下台北了解灾情。真的有够靠腰的提议咧,不过还是去了。 就加多一个我的舍友三个人就这样走了。那个提议下台北的其实年纪可以做我爸了。?奇怪?嗯,我下次再解释。我在那得时候还蛮受到他的照顾的。他姓高,我们都叫他高大哥。他这人懂很多的咧,咖啡,红酒,西餐,中餐不等。 对吃很有自己的一套,我也跟他学了非常多的东西。下台北呢其实是高大哥想去买酒喝,刚好前几天他有介绍我一个牌子叫Jacob creek的酒,出产地没有错的话好像是澳洲,忘了哈哈。 它算中上的牌子,就是价钱方面不会太贵可是口味满适合亚洲人尤其它的shiraz和chardonny。这两个我满欣赏的。ok,于是我们便买了一瓶chardonny和一只烧鸡,加起来不到台币一千,这里一百。买好了就回去,把酒冰一冰晚上把烧鸡弄热,哇。。这样就是我们的的晚餐了。那样的天气配这样的晚餐真的是非常的享受。嗯。。。。。回想起来,其实人生不一定要拥有最好最贵才能享受到真正的幸福和快乐,区区的便宜酒加上百货公司买来的烧鸡便能让我回味至今。所以能今天的名句,最贵未必能带给你最大的享受,你也要懂得品尝和欣赏啊,这才是真正的享受。

别人的生活怎么过。。。the lemons....

我本身对lomography这东西非常的有兴趣,总是在看别人所拍的一张张非常动人的照片。这玩艺本身不是数位相机而是用菲林的,拍出来的照片不是颜色非常明显的对比,就是有泻光。36张里头可能有一半是不能用, 可是这就是它迷人的地方。 它传达了,事物不一定要完美才算美。缺陷美也是一种美,它没有完美的那种负担却有着和完美一样动人的效果。人的生活也是如此,我们总是在在抱怨我们的生活没有他人的好,人家可以开跑车住豪房。。。我们却没有,房是租的车是二手的。。可是有没有想过他们可能反过来羡慕我们.没有大负担。人的生活总会嫌弃缺这个,缺那个。 非要到完美才可以,那怎样才算完美?什么是完美?完美的定义是?。。。其实人生本来都是着这样的。一定有一些些是得不到的,这样才叫做人生。太过于追求,自会让你更累。知足也未必不好。。对吧?

Before i start everything / 前提...

在什么都还没开始前,我先来介绍下我的blog给大家有个头绪到底这家伙在干什么。我开这个呢,是纯粹的想跟大家分享下我的世界到底是长怎样的,再来就是分享下我的心的,有趣的,我的爱好,我的观点,我最近在迷什么,看什么,玩什么等等的。。。所以咧,你很有可能看到我在推销某某东西得。然后呢,因为这是我的空间所以我写的东西是没有过滤得。我会以我个人的看法想法写出我的感觉。如果你读了觉得不舒服不爽, 那你可以不看得,可是请不要乱咬乱吠。这是我的空间我爱怎么写是我的事。好了难听的话我已经写在前头了。希望你读了后多多包涵我这个不经过大脑写出来的post。也希望能多多支持下谢谢。

Before I start to write my blog, i would like to make an intro for my blog. this blog is a place that i share all the thing that I like and hate. like movie, musics, books,fashion, tread, hobby etc. well sometime I will write my point of view and my anger into this blog, if the post offended, and you don't like it, well don't read it. but don't trash talk to me, because I will not entertain your shit talk. My place my rule. don't worry most of the post i will write something that I'm happy with. otherwise no one will want to read my blog T-T. in the end hope you enjoy and I'll try my best to write in two language.